Largo di Torre Argentina

The site of Pompey - where Julius Caesar was assassinated by the Senate - is now equally known locally as a shelter for stray cats, who are often as photographed as the ruins themselves.

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Perhaps ancient Rome's most astonishing architectural feat.
Campo De' Fiori
Host to a daily fruit and vegetable market, this square is a great place to soak up the atmosphere of Rome.
Piazza Venezia
Is one of the main squares in Rome and takes its name from the Palazzo Venezia, built by the Venetian Cardinal, Pietro Barbo alongside the church of Saint Mark.
Jewish Ghetto
For over 300 years all the Jews in Rome were restricted to this small area; today it is a vibrant and fascinating district.
Doria Pamphilj Gallery
Housed within the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj the collection spans centuries, with works dating from the 15th to the 18th century including masterpieces by some of the most renowned artists in history.
Rome’s Great Synagogue
Rome’s Great Synagogue, built in 1904, stands as a symbol of Jewish heritage, blending unique architecture with history, resilience, and cultural significance.

Related Tours

The Life of Julius Caesar: Rome Private Half-Day Walking Tour

Explore the Rome of Julius Caesar, born to an impoverished aristocratic family in the ‘suburban’ with zero political ambitions, Julius Caesar was not expected to become a consul of Rome let alone its sole dictator in perpetuity, and one of the most famous and influential men in history.

On your private tour, you will:

  • Begin at the mighty Circus Maximus, where Caesar will have come to watch the races, famous for being the largest stadium for chariot racing in the world, with marble seating for over 250,000 spectators. Learn all about this popular, and highly dangerous sport;
  • Admire the stunning views of the ancient palaces of the Palatine cascading down the hill;
  • Hear all about the importance of public games for the smooth running of society: ‘Give them bread and circuses!
  • Learn all about the early life of Julius Caesar and his unlikely, stratospheric political and military rise to power;
  • Wander down the hill towards the River Tiber and look over the bridge to Trastevere where Julius Caesar had a villa and where he housed Cleopatra;
  • Discover Teatro Marcellus, an ancient open-air theatre used for artistic performances; 
  • See the ruins of the ancient fish market and the Portico d’Ottavia: the building of which was begun by Julius, and completed by his adopted son Octavian - better known as Caesar Augustus, who dedicated it to his sister, Octavia;
  • Head towards the centre of governance in Ancient Rome, the Capitoline Hill
  • Be wowed by the spectacular view overlooking the ruins of the Roman Forum, the cradle of the gods and of ancient civilization, and at the far end, the Colosseum;
  • See the buildings that were begun by Caesar including the temple to Venus, the Curia, and his spy's humble resting place in the centre of the Forum;
  • Across the Fori Imperiali (built by Mussolini) you’ll see the ruins of Trajan’s Forum and the firewall built to protect the forum and the suburban from fire;
  • Wander through the ruins to see some of the Suburra where Caesar was born and raised, now a trendy neighbourhood called Monti;
  • Walk back through Piazza Venezia, through the picturesque Jewish Ghetto toward the spectacular ruins at Largo Argentina;
  • End your tour here with the dramatic story of Caesar’s assassination, on those very steps! Stabbed 23 times by his enemies so the blame was shared; including his trusted friend, Brutus, is where the mighty Julius Caesar was finally toppled. ‘Beware the ides of March'.

From the slum neighbourhood of his birth to where he met his grisly end, the city, empire and culture of Rome owe much to Julius Caesar. With your private guide, gain an insight into Caesar's dominance as Consul of Rome.

Learn all about his upbringing, private life (he was very much a lady’s man) and his military prowess that led to the Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus – the betrayals and power play, and finally the crossing of the Rubicon.

Julius Caesar was very much the people’s politician. He was loved by the people who considered him ‘one of them’. This popularity may have led to his hubris and downfall. Rome’s motto is SPQR (Senatus et Populusque Romanus) meaning the Senate and the People of Rome.

Julius had the will of the people but arrogantly stopped consulting the senate. This cost him dearly, and on the ides of March 44 BC, he was assassinated, stabbed 23 times on the steps leading to the temporary senate-house, at Largo Argentina.

An astute politician and brilliant military strategist Caesar powered Rome into expansion, decisively defeating enemies and winning the hearts and minds of the common people. Each successful war assured him of the undying loyalty of his soldiers, who followed him into battle after battle. His life and death, are the stories of legends with unions that include a love affair with Cleopatra.

The contributions he made have echoed through history - including the introduction of the Julian Calendar in Rome, setting the year at 365.25 days, divided into 12 months.

Your Tour of Julius Caesar’s Rome will delve into the archaeological roots of the city to follow in his footsteps. Discover Caesar’s place of birth in 100BCE - Suburra, a down-and-out area where the trendy area of Monti now stands, and end your tour where his life ended brutally on the steps of the theatre of Pompey at Largo Argentina.

Please note: During the Jubilee Year, Rome is expected to experience increased visitor numbers and heightened security measures. While we strive to provide a seamless experience, some attractions may face last-minute closures without prior notice, longer-than-usual wait times, or time restrictions on visits inside certain attractions due to crowd control policies.

In such cases, your guide will expertly adapt the itinerary to ensure the best possible experience, using their local knowledge to navigate any challenges. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to make your visit to Rome unforgettable despite these unique circumstances.

The Ghosts of Rome: Private 2-hour Spooky Evening Tour

Rome is a city brimming with history and a myriad of legends and mysteries. With over 2,000 years of intrigue, betrayals, executions, and assassinations, it's no surprise that many ghosts are believed to haunt the Eternal City. There is no better way to discover some of the most spine-chilling chapters of Rome’s story than on a private walking tour with a local expert guide. On our eerie evening experience, you’ll traverse the winding streets after sundown to uncover the city’s most notorious hauntings and learn about the lives and deaths of those whose restless spirits are said to remain to this day.

On this 2-hour ghost tour, you will:

  • Embark on a thrilling journey through Rome after dark;
  • Enjoy the undivided attention of your private guide;
  • See some of Rome’s most iconic sights under the moonlight and learn about paranormal occurrences that have taken place there;
  • Hear a wealth of gripping ghost stories from a passionate local;
  • Find out about the grisliest murders and most infamous executions in the history of Rome;
  • Get acquainted with the key characters who have caught Rome’s imagination from beyond the grave;
  • Begin at Castel Sant’Angelo with the tragic tale of Beatrice Cenci;
  • Cross over the Tiber river and discover which spirits are said to roam the Ponte Sant’ Angelo and Ponte Sisto;
  • Pass by Chiesa di Santa Maria dell'Orazione e Morte, one of the city's most mysterious and macabre churches;
  • Delve into the grim past of the Campo di Fiori;
  • Keep your eyes peeled for various ghostly figures that have been spotted in Piazza Navona;
  • Stop at the spot where Julius Caesar was assassinated;
  • End at the Pantheon, one of Rome’s oldest and most mysterious monuments;

As night falls over Rome, the Eternal City reveals its darker, more mysterious side. On this private ghost tour, you’ll embark on a journey through the haunted heart of the city, where history and legend intertwine in eerie and unexpected ways. With a passionate local guide by your side, you’ll uncover the chilling tales of tormented spirits, grisly murders, and infamous executions that have left their spectral imprint on Rome’s most iconic landmarks.

Your adventure begins at the brooding silhouette of Castel Sant’Angelo. Originally built as Emperor Hadrian's mausoleum, the castle has served as a fortress and a prison, so it has seen plenty of death and destruction across the centuries. You’ll hear the tragic story of noblewoman Beatrice Cenci, whose execution caused great outrage among the Roman people, and learn how her spirit allegedly reappears each year on the Ponte Sant’Angelo on the anniversary of her death. You will follow in her footsteps across this ornate bridge over the Tiber, which was the site of many public executions.

As you venture deeper into Rome’s historic epicentre, you’ll proceed along the elegant Via Giulia and pass by the Chiesa di Santa Maria dell'Orazione e Morte (Church of Saint Mary of Prayer and Death). You will find out how this peculiar place of worship is known for the macabre artwork that adorns its walls and is dedicated to collecting and burying the city’s abandoned dead. Later, you’ll pause by the Ponte Sisto, where your guide can reveal some of the legends surrounding this ancient bridge, known for its spectral sightings and mysterious tales.

You will visit the famous Campo de’ Fiori, which hosts a lively market during the day but hides dark secrets by night. Your guide can show you the statue of the philosopher Giordano Bruno, who met a gruesome end in the square in 1600. You’ll find out how he was burned at the stake for heresy, and some say his defiant spirit has never left. In the nearby Piazza Navona, one of Rome’s most beautiful squares, you’ll find out about ghostly echoes from the past that have been spotted in the windows of palazzos or heard dashing across the cobblestones.

The supernatural stroll continues to Largo di Torre Argentina, where the ruins mark the spot of Julius Caesar’s brutal assassination, a site steeped in betrayal and political murder. Finally, your journey ends at the Pantheon, one of Rome’s oldest and most mysterious sites. Some say the open oculus at its centre is a portal to the beyond, and its long history of burials has left more than just architectural grandeur behind. 

As your tour comes to a close and your guide disappears into the night, paranormal activity is not guaranteed, but the enthralling accounts of ghostly goings-on will certainly leave a lasting impression as a highlight of your trip to the Eternal City.



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