The Victory of Samothrace

The Winged Victory of Samothrace is a must-see in the Louvre: a paradigm of Greek beauty, the archetype of Hellenistic sculpture.

TravelCurious Tip

Try and see the Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory of Samothrace one after the other to understand the parallels between them.

Powerful imagery

This iconic sculpture is widely admired as one of the finest, if not the finest, demonstration of Hellenistic style, skill, workmanship and vision.

Dated five years either side of 195 BC, it was created to honour the god Nike and remember the sea battle at Samothrace. The headless, winged goddess stands aloft on a plinth shaped like the bow of a ship - shapes combine to give the sense of effortless forwards motion, as if she is descending from the heavens.

In the minds of the audience she is braced against the strong wind blowing through her garments. With her right hand cupped around her mouth, she announces the event she was dedicated to commemorate - the victory of the sea battle at Samothrace.

Technical victory

Like the Venus de Milo, also found in the Louvre, a spiralling effect achieved by the oblique angles of the wings and the placement of the left leg causes the composition to open out in various directions, further emphasised by the clothing blowing between the goddess's legs.

Amazingly, on the torso and upper body, the sculptor has managed to illustrate the transparency of wet clothes in the opaque medium of marble. The naked body is visible beneath, adding life to the victorious scene. The tunic is at once brushing against her body and billowing in the wind.

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On your private tour of the best of the Louvre Museum, you will:

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  • Wander through a labyrinth of 300 rooms and uncover masterpieces missed by many, including Liberty Leading the People and Canova’s Apollo and Daphne.

Originally one of France’s most lavish royal palaces, and home to some of the most ostentatious Kings of France, the Louvre has fast become the world's most impressive and influential museum of art in the world and is an absolute must for anyone with an interest in art.

Your private licensed guide will take you through one of the most expansive and beautiful art collections in the world, where you will see some of the museum’s greatest works that span from 450 BCE to the 19th century, along with several of its lesser-known treasures.

Whilst visiting this fabulous museum you will have the pleasure of viewing the most celebrated of all the Louvre treasures: 'Three Grand Ladies'- the Venus de Milo, Nike of Samothrace, and Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. Your guide will discuss the fascinating stories that surround these influential and important works of art.

After your guided tour, feel free to further explore the vast museum on your own and its beautiful work at your own pace.

Please note that the "Liberty Leading the People" will be under restoration until further notice.

Louvre Museum: Family-Friendly Private Guided Tour

 Explore one of the greatest museums in the world on this family-friendly private tour of the Louvre Museum. This thoughtfully designed tour will engage your children and teens, with a specially matched expert guide.

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The Louvre is a vast, palatial complex turned museum with a treasure trove of over 35,000 pieces of art. It is really spectacular to look at for kids and adults alike. This tour is geared toward children and teens, and in 2.5 hours covers all the major highlights of the Louvre in a fun, engaging, and interesting way.

You'll walk into the medieval basement of the building to see some incredible gargoyles, and then the Ancient Egyptian Mummies!

Your guide will tell you all about the life of Napoleon in front of the massive painting of his coronation - and explain how the painting has lots of little purposeful mistakes in it - a large bit of propaganda! Was Napoleon really so short? What was true and what was not?

You'll also see some amazing statues from the ancient world and hear lots of dramatic stories of Greek and Roman myths, heroes, gods, and goddesses like Hercules and Diana. You might want to know why some statues - like the Venus de Milo - don't have any arms!

No trip to the Louvre is complete without a visit to the Mona Lisa. Your guide will tell you all about the dramatic theft that shook the art world, and how she recovered. You'll also learn how she seems to follow you with her eyes as you walk past her!

As you walk down lots of galleries packed with treasures and jewels and paintings and statues, you'll also learn all about some of the famous people who lived here, like Catherine de Medici and King Henry IV who built a large wing of the palace and used to gallop his horses down it!

This tour was designed for you and your family – a tour of one of the world’s most famous museums made accessible for young people in 2.5 hours.

Please note that the "Liberty Leading the People" will be under restoration until further notice.

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The Louvre Museum is not only the home to classics like The Mona Lisa, but it also houses one of the most impressive and extensive Egyptian Antiquities Collection considered to be the largest in the world. This private tour is your chance to explore the best artworks and masterpieces of the museum, along with the fascinating Egyptian Collection.

On this private tour, you will:

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  • Jump into the unmissable attractions, including the Mona Lisa, The Wedding Feast at Cana, The Coronation of Napoleon, and Venus de Milo;
  • Wander through a labyrinth of 300 rooms and uncover masterpieces missed by many, including Liberty Leading the People and Canova’s Apollo and Daphne;
  • End your tour inside the Louvre Museum, in which you are welcome to continue exploring at your own pace.

This tour is an all-inclusive, immersive experience at the Louvre, with the opportunity to explore nearly 10,000 pieces of the Egyptian art collection curated by the museum over the course of two centuries. While exploring the collection, you’ll dive into French history, told through the lens of art and archaeology.

From there, your private licensed guide will take you through the unmissable highlights, where you will see some of the museum’s greatest works that span from 450 BCE to the 19th century, along with several of its lesser-known treasures.

Whilst visiting this fabulous museum you will have the pleasure of viewing the most celebrated of all the Louvre treasures: 'Three Grand Ladies'- the Venus de Milo, Nike of Samothrace, and Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. Your guide will discuss the fascinating stories that surround these influential and important works of art.

After your guided tour, feel free to further explore the vast museum and its beautiful work at your own pace.

Please note that the "Liberty Leading the People" will be under restoration until further notice.



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